Vanessa Santos - Transformational Speaker & Soul-Led Entrepreneur

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Mastering Work-From-Home Productivity

Essential Life Hacks

Working from home can be a wild ride. You've probably discovered that it takes a cosmic amount of self-discipline to stay focused amidst life's chaos. But I’ve put together some tips that have helped me maximize productivity, all while not burning myself out and also enjoying some much needed quality “me” time.

Plan Your Week Ahead & Create a To-Do List

Planning may sound counterproductive, but it's your secret weapon. Spend a leisurely 15 minutes on a Sunday or early Monday morning jotting down your crucial tasks for the week. Daily to-dos are cool, but let's face it, life often throws curveballs. So, stick to your "must-do" tasks and tackle 1 or 2 per day to avoid feeling overwhelmed. And don't forget to add some self-care, because, as they say, you can't pour from an empty cup, baby girl.

Here is an example of my overall goals with weekly tactics to support those goals, and a sample breakdown of a weekly schedule.


Yep, good old meditation! Whether you start your day with it or sneak in a session during the day, this practice sets the tone for a positive mindset. It's like a mental reset button, helping you see challenges as opportunities instead of obstacles. Resist the urge to dive into the digital chaos first thing – that's just inviting external forces to mess with your day.

A hot tip is that I don’t keep my phone on my nightstand like most folks. I allow myself to wake up when my body is ready or if I need to make sure I’m up by a certain time, I use a sunrise alarm clock that gently nudges you awake.

Meal Prep or Plan Your Meals Ahead

Taking the time to bulk cook for the next few days or at least acting like your own chef and writing down a menu for yourself has a slew of benefits! Your eating habits will remain healthy & consistent. You don’t have to rush to cook during the busy day and instead use that time to give yourself an actual lunch break. You will simplify your schedule by knowing what you are going to be eating and finally, you are practicing the good habit of scheduling your priorities. When you take the time to prep for the week you are sending signals to your brain and the universe that you are in control of your scheduling and your eating habits.

A trick that I use to ensure that I am making good food choices is that I label my perishables (produce, fruit, vegetables) with expiration dates to ensure you use them first. Healthy habits are contagious, and soon, daily fruits will be your thing.

For the best meal prep containers, I use these glass meal prep containers with a divider to make my meal selection during the week a breeze. Or if you’re not much of the cooking type but do want delicious and nutritious meals, I recommend trying Factor. They are a meal delivery service that allows you to just pop your yummy meal into the microwave and 2-3 minutes later you are satisfying your hunger.

The 7, 7, 7 Workout Rule

No this is that “Friends” episode but 7 does prove to a lucky number! The 7,7,7 is my trick to getting in the mood to workout in the morning. By just doing 7 squats, 7-sec plank, and 7 push-ups, I’ve raised my energy level and given myself a dose of endorphins making me 10x more likely to get out of my pajamas and into my gym clothes. Also, after completing 7, I say to myself ‘I’m only 3 away from 10’, so then I do 10 instead and am energized for a good at-home workout.

When you are feeling that mid-day slump, get up and do 3 moves six-times or for six-seconds. You will naturally raise your energy level and that will also make you thirsty so that bonus, you drink more water!

I highly recommended this workout video by one of my faves Maddie of MadFit.

Complete Your Important Tasks Before 11 AM

Did you know that Jeff Bezos schedules all of his important meetings and tasks to occur between 9 and 11 AM? that’s because your brainpower is at its peak. Studies agree – tackling your biggest challenge early sets the stage for a super productive day. It's like reverse psychology for yourself. I also use this time for key team meetings to delegate the important priorities for the week.

Schedule a Fake Meeting A Day

Sometimes, my fake meetings are so convincing it takes a moment to realize they're fake! But that's the point – they force you to take a break. Productivity needs moments of decompression. A 30-minute break can refresh you, whether you gaze out the window, dance to your favorite jams, or grab a snack. This will drastically improve your mood thus your productivity.

Change Out Of Your Pajamas

We know they are cozy but you should dress up as if you are going to the office or to your gig. This will also trick your mind into being more productive. I put together a list of must-have items to spruce up your working from home ambiance.

I hope these quirky yet effective tips infuse a burst of energy into your work-from-home routine. Stay safe, stay healthy, and tackle those to-dos like the boss you are.

