Vanessa Santos - Transformational Speaker & Soul-Led Entrepreneur

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Manifesting Money for the New Moon: A Powerful Ritual Guide

Unlock the energy of the New Moon to manifest abundance and improve your financial situation. The New Moon marks the start of a lunar month and offers a potent opportunity to harness its power for your benefit. The New Moon also offers us the opportunity to plant new seeds. Discover how to tap into this cosmic energy and create your own successful reality.

The Impact of the New Moon as the moon's energy reaches its lowest point, you might experience feelings of doubt, sadness, or melancholy. It's important to acknowledge these emotions and understand their connection to the lunar cycle. In order for renewal to occur we must bear witness to what emotions, situations and people lower our energetic broadcast. Observe your feelings, don’t absorb them. In order for new things to occur, we must surrender (as in, stop trying to control and plan everything) and release what takes more energy than it gives.

Preparing for a New Moon Ritual

Engage in a cleansing ritual to rid your environment of negative energies and open up to positive energy. Cleanse your workspace, declutter your home, and let go of anything that no longer serves you (including people and situations). Utilize sage, incense sticks, or essential oils to purify your space and enhance its energy.

Purifying Yourself

Take a bath or shower with mindfulness, being present with your thoughts and feelings. Honor them and set the intention to move forward positively. After cleansing, meditate to ground yourself and align your thoughts with your desires.

Releasing Negative Energy

The New Moon provides an ideal opportunity to let go of bad habits, burdensome thoughts, and addictions. During meditation, explore inward and identify the blocks that have been holding you back. Avoid confronting specific situations or individuals, as the unstable energy of the day may exacerbate them. Instead, journal about the limiting beliefs and/or situations, trusting that the Universe will see this as a calling and support you in clearing out the negative energy.

Creating Your Vision

Harness the power of visualization to align with your higher self and manifest your desires. Curate images, quotes, and clippings that represent the life you envision. Create a New Moon Visualization Board or set it as your desktop wallpaper to constantly remind yourself of your aspirations. One of my favorite visualization exercises is to envision myself in a garden. I have a handful of seeds that I am going to plant into the earth. Each seed represents a soul desire. I envision myself carefully planting each seed and trusting that when it’s ready it will bloom.

Expressing Your Desires

Write down your wishes and desires on paper, expressing them in the present tense as if they have already come true. Free yourself from judgment or doubt and let your thoughts flow. (Incorporate what you wrote down in your visualization practice)

Removing Obstacles

If there are specific challenges in your life, write down one desire on a piece of paper to help overcome that obstacle. Recite your desire aloud, asking the Universe for assistance.

Aligning with Your Desires

Stay conscious of the things around you that don't align with the energy of your desires. Cross out the desires that have been fulfilled and replace them with new ones throughout the month. Express gratitude to the Universe for its guidance and the path it illuminates.

🌑 New Moon Money Ritual 🌑

Harness the rising lunar energy to attract wealth and enhance your financial situation. The New Moon supports us to set intentions providing a fresh start, a reset. What do you need to reset? Negative thoughts and emotions. Money is all about energy, and the moment you begin to associate elevated energy towards paying the bills and thanking the Universe every time you have the blessing of paying a bill, you begin to alter your relationship with money.

Follow these steps to engage with the abundance energy of the New Moon:

  1. Place bills and coins on the windowsill until the appearance of the young Moon. Spend the money with gratitude, knowing that as it goes out, it will return multiplied.

  2. Each night leading up to the full moon, put a full wallet on the windowsill. Express gratitude for your blessings and request their multiplication.

  3. Show a paper bill to the New Moon, symbolically offering it and asking for help. Carry this bill in your wallet until the next New Moon.

  4. Release anxieties, fears, and limiting beliefs about money. Repeat a money mantra on the night of the New Moon and leading up to the Full Moon, affirming your abundance mindset.

The New Moon is the ideal time to set our intentions for what we wish to manifest in the upcoming Full Moon. Your mindset is the greatest weapon against negative thoughts, negative energy, negative feelings, and negative surroundings. In order to set new intentions, you must acknowledge the thoughts that get in the way. Meditating often will help you snap out of the overthinking and bring you into the present moment. It’s so easy to let our thoughts become stories and those stories then become part of our reality.

Remember, in order to set new intentions, especially a desire for more money, you must consider what negative associations you have towards money. Where did those feelings come from? Most of the time, our negative emotions towards money aren’t even ours. Make the conscious effort to release them and replace them with better more wealth-aligned money thoughts.

Finally, believe that you have the power to change your reality, because when you realize that you can choose better thoughts, elevated emotions and uplifting interactions, your energetic output will call in what you desire.

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Happy New Moon!

Love & Blessings,